How To Accept Personal Change, Growth & The Person You Are Today
Change. We all go through it, even though most of us try to avoid it. Change is uncomfortable, especially the older you get. You've spent most of your life "learning" who you are. When you reach adulthood you feel like you know everything there is to know about your own identity. Your beliefs, your ethics, morals, and how you see the world. But the reality is, this is not true. Although your self-learning may feel slower than it used to be as you were "growing up," that doesn't mean you have stopped growing... developing... learning. I used to always be afraid of change, trying to stay as far away from it as I could. I've been lucky to have a life rich of love, friendship and meaning. And honestly, I thought it was always going to be that way. Throughout my teens, I struggled with the conventional norms of life, but had a generous network of people around me to help me understand and work through my issues. When I hit my 20's, I can honest...